Do any of you just run completely out of gas by thursday?????? I know that when I get my coffee I will be fine but for right now I am dead dog tired!!!!! I also have three extra bodies here this morning. My sister Kerry is having a very minor procedure done, so I have Jade, Lily and Rayn!!! All of them got up so good and I am so thankful for that. I hope all of you have a very blessed day today and I really hope referrals come out, this has been the longest month in history it seems!!!!
Thank you Kimberly for the graphic!!!
****Don't worry Amy it is just that gigantic mole on her face***** lololololol
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Ok people take a look at my Visitor Counter, see all those people... that is only like 4 or 5 days worth and then take a peek at how many comments I have.....
PLEEEAAASSSSEEEEEE leave me a comment, I love to know who stopped by!!!!
Thank you to all of my "Old Faithfuls" who always let me know you have been here, YOU know who you are!!!!!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Update on Chas!!
Just wanted to let all of you know that Chas is doing just fine. The surgery went well and for at least the next 72 hours she is really gonna be kicking herself for having the surgery, but after that she will be so glad she did. Thank you for all of your prayers. Love and Blessings to all.
Love, Kristy
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Today my thoughts are of our daughter Chastity. Tomorrow she will undergo pretty extensive sinus surgery. Although both Frank and I know that God will take care of her, she has never had any kind of surgery before and can absolutely NOT withstand alot of pain,and is pretty nervous about the whole thing. Since Frank and I both have alot of years between the two of us working in the OR , to make light of it and to mess with her we explained to her that she is going to feel like she was hit in the face with a baseball bat!!!! And for any of you who know Chas personally you can only imagine the look on her face and the "kind remarks" that followed. She is really a funny girl with a very quick whit, and we know she will be just fine but if you could just say a little prayer for her we sure would appreciate it. Thank you ,love and blessings to all of you.
Love, Kris
Saturday, January 26, 2008
A Special Prayer Request
Good Saturday to all of you!!! My post today is a prayer request for a family that I do not even know. Another friend put this link on her blog and asked us to go there, and let me tell you it really caught me by surprise and choked me up more than a little. I hope and pray after taking a peek all of you will pray for this very special family. Thank you and God bless, Love, Kristy
Here is the link:
When I saw this "PEACE" graphic , I immediately thought of this man Nathaniel, he has so much going on in his life yet he seems so full of Peace. I admire that and he inspires me, I hope he does the same for you.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Happy Birthday to my Precious Boys!!!
Happy BELATED Birthday my special angel Garett,I am sorry this is so late!
(the oldest on the left)
Happy 2nd Birthday tomorrow to my very own Lil'special angel of a Godson Jacob!!!
(the one with the dirty face!!! lol)
Happy 2nd Birthday on February 9th to my other angel, my little man Zane!!!
(the one on the left)
Meme loves all three of you very, very much and wants to give you bunches and bunches of KISSES!!!!!!!
(their mommies are two of my "Bestest" friends in the whole world, Amy and Jessica, thank you both for sharing them with us, we are so blessed by their lives)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
A thought for Thursday!!!
Yesterday after school and before church I took Astrud and her "friend" Kyle to eat mexican food. Now this is all new for us, she had a "boyfriend" in 7th grade but they never talked, you know how it works right???? And up until this point she has been pretty content just being in love with The Jonas Brothers!!!! But now she has this friend named Kyle and he is 15 although he is in 10th grade. They would like to go to a movie,(us taking them of course), but our rule is that we have to meet the parents first. So we are off to a good start right??? Well the poor boy was scared to death as he was getting in my car and at this point he does not even know that her father, and two of her brothers are just scheming to scare him to death. I think it was Christopher that said he has a knife and a shovel so he can cut him up and then bury him,something like that and Steven told her online last night that he was probably a freak and that she needed to remind him that he was a soldier with really big guns, and I won't even repeat what her papa has said, isn't that just awlful and these people are christians, pretty scary huh!!!! They are actually just joking about those things but they are very protective of their baby sister and daughter. I must say that he was a really sweet boy, and was very polite and really tried to say all the right things to impress the mom, I just had to laugh to myself, because I myself was a teenager at one time and I know how teenage boys are but let's just hope that he is what he says he is. When Astrud hugged me at church she whispered in my ear, "Do you like him Mom?", I thought that was sweet but so "not" like Astrud so I am gonna put my big girl panties on , strap my seat belt on tight and get ready for this ride, I had to let go of two boys this summer because they got married, I am just not ready for this yet but I don't have a choice. Her big sister Chas needs to put on her big girl panties too, because she had a fit last night saying I am not ready for this, well you better get that way cause it is happening!!!! God help us!!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
No name Baby Howton!!!
****FYI**** When Astrud gets home I will get her to help me fix this picture, I am not that smart!!!!
This is my friend Debby's baby BOY!!! She and her husband Raymond found out yesterday that it was a "He", and if you look real close you can really tell. What a little man!!!
Debby and I go all the way back to school and our parents go back even further. Let's put it this way, she is so special to me that she has been in "BOTH" of my weddings!!! Debby was always adamant on "not" having any children, although Raymond has 3 kids that are now grown that Debby helped raise and I might add that they all love her very much. She is even a grandmother!!! I have to admit that I have always told Deb not to cut herself short by not having a baby, but like I said she just did not want any for a really long time. When I saw her the first time holding her grandbaby my heart ached because I just knew in my heart that she would be an awesome mom!!! Well sometime after that the "baby bug" bit her and she is now going to be a Mommy and she is so excited!!! Yesterday when she called me the first thing she said to me was that Franceska was going to have a little boyfriend!!!!
It stil amazes me how God works in our lives. If you would have asked me 3,5,10,15 years ago if I thought Deb and I would be raising our children together one day, I would have said not a chance!!!! But here we are and even though we are not in our twenty's anymore we are both up for the challenge and are really looking forward to this journey together. It is just amazing how God puts things together isn't it???!!!
A really special prayer request
This is our pastor and his family. David, Cathy, Ashley, Alicia and Alyana Gale. These people are our family, they are our heart and soul and we love them very much. Could all of you please say a prayer for Cathy she is having some pretty serious health problems that I know God will bring her through, like Psalm 71:20 says,
"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again."
Please keep Brother Dave in your prayers also, he carries all of this on his shoulders and I get worried about him. The guurrrrllzzz like he says are great they are a close family, please keep them all in your prayers. Thank you and God bless all of you.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Our Anniversary!!!
Today is our anniversary for month 21!!!! And regardless of how long the wait is, you have to look at it positvely, WE are 1 month closer !!!!! So I am gonna have a good day anyway, besides look on the bright side, 21 months ago I thought by now if I was still waiting that I would be in a drug induced coma drooling all over myself, and believe it or not I am doing ok today!!!!! Franceska will be home soon.
You are on my mind and in my heart forever Martin Luther King Jr.
Megan with her funny hat!!!! Isn't she cute!!!
I told you we had a "Special Guest"!!!
Megan and Steven!
Megan blowing out her candles!!!
Astrud and Megans nephew Blaine (he's a cutie)
Frank and I
Last night Frank , Astrud and I went and had dinner with Megan and her family for her 21st birthday!!! Afterwards we went to her house for cake and we also had a special guest at the party.... Steven was there via the internet and webcams. It was so much fun, as she was opening presents he would hit certain audibles that make noises like : awwwwwwwww!!!!! Or a crowd cheering , it was almost like him being there, but not quite, but hey we will take what we can get!!!! My Granny would have probably really appreciated the technology back during Vietnam when my Uncle Bill was there. They used to go weeks and weeks without any word. I would have lost my mind. Anyway Happy Birthday Megan, we love you and we are so blessed to have you as our daughter now!!!! Our future is just so full, our cup runneth over!!!!!
I would also like to say Happy Birthday to my Grandma, she would have been 94 years old today. Happy Birthday Grandma we miss you very much and love you more than words can say.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
It's late , but I just have to tell yall!!!!!
Tonight after eleven something Megan text me and wanted Frank and I to get online so we could have a webcam conference with her and Steven. They were really struggling with should Steven reup or not in the military. He wanted a Non parent point of view,.... RIGHT????!!!!!! Well after weighing all of the pros and cons, gi bill, versus student loans, not having student loans, having a tax free bonus, not having one, being deployed again in 4 years, not being deployed, etc. etc. etc. we decided as a family for him to not reup!!!!!! I can't tell you how much of a relief this is to Frank and I, and I couldn't wait to tell all of yall!!!! Now if only it wasn't too late I would start calling family, but I guess it can wait until after church tomorrow. We know he has done his part, and this was not an easy decision for him to make , he is very loyal to his country but we feel it is time so let's bring him home people, only 48 more days!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Christopher!!!
Sunday was Christopher's 28th birthday , so after church we had lunch and then cake and ice cream for him and Astrud. Megan's birthday is January 21st and next year we are going to start having one big January birthday party!!! And then on sunday night all of us went to the SA Rampage Hockey game and had a blast!!! Go Rampage!!!
Happy Birthday Christopher, you make us so, proud of you. Your perserverence is like no other,you love your God with all your heart and we are so proud of the kind of husband and father you are. You are an extraordinary son and brother. Just like I told you the other day YOU MAKE OUR HEARTS SMILE!!! We love you so much and I am so thankful that God put you in my life when he did because I can not imagine my life without you. I love you, Your other Mother!!!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I was awarded a Blogger award by a very special lady that is also a "Waiting China Mommy", her name is Pug Mama and she is awesome!! She is passionate about Breast Cancer Awareness and about all dogs , well all animals in general. I think that she is the "Blogging Diva" of the WORLD!!!! In my list of other blogs she is Life Scatters, so go and meet her, she is awesome!!! Thank you PugMama!!!
Here are the rules:
1. Awarded parties must nominate five people who have not received the award
2. The blogs that receive the award must serve some purpose
3. In your post about the award, you need to link back to the original entry.
So here are my picks.... I don't know if they have ever won this award but they are my picks!!!
1.(CHRISTIE) : She is from Mississippi, and she has become so special to me, and she has a great name too!! Her and Eddie are wanting to adopt twins , and they have never flown before so their first flight will be an international one!!! She is an awesome lady and I am proud and honored to call her my friend and she is always there to pick me up when I am down or discouraged, she is just so darn smart!! She will be my friend and in my heart forever!! I love you Christie!!! On my list she is: Our Red Thread Journey
2.(Robin): Even though her and her family are Buckeyes and we are Longhorns, I just love this lady!!!! I really got to know her as I followed their blogging journey to China. She has a beautiful family and I admire the heck out of her. She and her husband are also starting all over like we are and they have grandkids too!!! I would just like to thank Robin for always saying such encouraging things to me and for all the prayers for Steven. So many people in the blogging world pray for Steven and all of you will never know how appreciated that is. Robins journey with her new precious Angel encourages me and reminds me that it is going to happen. I love you Robin, thank you so much for becoming my friend. On my list she is : Buckeyes and Eggrolls.
3.(Rachelle): What can I say???? Rachelle is my sister in Christ,my confidant, my laugh partner, my partner in crime, my prayer warrior, but most of all she is my FRIEND, and I love her. Her and Troy have 3 beautiful boys, we all go to the same church, and we are more than all of this, we are FAMILY!!! She gets so on my nerves and she can be such a GUNCH, (HEHEHEHE), but I love her so so much, thank you for always being there for me , well you know on the days that you are not ailing!!!!! hehehe!!!! On my list she is: The Guys and Me.
4.(Kathryn): She is my friend from Staten Island that is what I would call my Soul Sister!!!! She has become so important to me. She does not always do to well with this "wait" thing and I always, always do my best to pick her up because anyone that has a heart like she has needs to be happy all of the time. She is a beautiful woman with a beautiful son and I must say that her husband is just AWESOME!!!, because he loves ELVIS!!!! A man after my own heart!! I love you bunches Kathryn. On my list she is : Journey to Emma Rose.
5.( Rebecca Lynn): This lady first of all has a great middle name, me being Kristy Lynn and all,but she is such an awesome mom, her children are gorgeous and she always has the most amusing things on her blog, but the heart of this lady must be the size of Texas, you can just tell by the way she talks about her family. She is always so sweet and friendly and just what I would call an All American Girl. Love you bunches too Rebecca Lynn. On my list she is : Mother of two , wife of one.
There you have it, out of all of these ladies I only know Rachelle like in real life!!!! My wish is to one day meet all of these ladies in person because my life has been touched by each and every one of them. None of the three waiting mommies and us have the same lid date so that means we won't be traveling together but I pray that these people are always in my life. If I could have, I would have nominated all of my Blogging girls because all of them are so unique and special in their own ways. P.S. AMY IF YOU WOULD EVER START YOUR BLOG, I COULD DO THIS FOR YOU GIRLHEAD!!!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Steven gets to see SNOW!!!
Steven and Astrud have never seen snow, yes I know we are horrible parents they are 22 and 15 years old and that is probably pretty pathetic!!! Oh well WHATEVER!!!! Anyway Steven finally saw SNOW, he had to go all the way to the deserts of Iraq to see it!!! Can you believe that??? Megan said that when he called her ,he was so excited that he sent her some pictures. It might not be alot but now he can finally say that he has seen snow!!!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Astrud and Elvis too!!
Today is Astrud's birthday. I just can't believe how time just flies by. One day you wake up and your baby is 15 years old. How does that happen? She still likes to occasionally fall asleep with me and I can remember when Frank would take her to bed and her legs barely dangled to his waistline and now it is quite comical since she is as tall as me he still thinks he needs to carry his baby to bed and I just know that one of these days one of them is going to get hurt by losing a limb , an eye, or with Astrud gettting a concussion because her head got whacked on the dooframe!! Ok, I'm going to be one of "those" moms ok?? The last 15 years has been absolutely without a doubt such a blessing , and so so much fun. Now don't get me wrong she's an angel ,but those wings get a little crooked at times,and she can be a BRAT, but she has such a big heart, she loves God , and she is truly our Heart and Soul, and I thank God everyday for giving her to us. Happy Birthday Angelbaby!!
Today is Elvis Presley's birthday too, and all who know me, knows that my Mom raised us three girls to love him, so Happy Birthday Elvis!!!
Here are some of my favorite's of Astrud's day to day life!!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Prayer Chain
Hello everybody and Happy Sunday night!! I have a favor to ask of all of you. Alot of us "Waiting Mommies" have decided to start a prayer chain all around the country for Wednesday, January 9th starting at noon. We are just trying to get a whole slew of people to pray at the same time for the speed up of referrals !!!! The CCAA in China is almost finished with December of 2005 and time just seems to have stopped. So can you please pray on wednesday for things to speed up and so sometime soon we can go and bring our babies home. THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER, SO PLEASE TELL YOUR CO WORKER SITIING NEXT TO YOU , OR YOUR MOM, DAD , YOUR SISTER, BROTHER , BEST FRIEND, ANYBODY THAT BELIEVES CAN PRAY. We really appreciate this and truly love you for it. Thank you and may God bless you and your family.