Welcome to our Life..it's a crazy busy one, but that's just us! We have 7 kids, 3 daughter-in-laws, 1 son-in-law and 5 Grandbuttons!!! WITH #6 & & 7 ON THEIR WAY!!!! We came home on July 15, 2010 with our Princess Franceska Danielle, we hope you enjoy our life because we sure do!! God has just BLESSED beyond what we could have ever imagined!!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I was awarded a Blogger award by a very special lady that is also a "Waiting China Mommy", her name is Pug Mama and she is awesome!! She is passionate about Breast Cancer Awareness and about all dogs , well all animals in general. I think that she is the "Blogging Diva" of the WORLD!!!! In my list of other blogs she is Life Scatters, so go and meet her, she is awesome!!! Thank you PugMama!!!

Here are the rules:

1. Awarded parties must nominate five people who have not received the award

2. The blogs that receive the award must serve some purpose

3. In your post about the award, you need to link back to the original entry.

So here are my picks.... I don't know if they have ever won this award but they are my picks!!!

1.(CHRISTIE) : She is from Mississippi, and she has become so special to me, and she has a great name too!! Her and Eddie are wanting to adopt twins , and they have never flown before so their first flight will be an international one!!! She is an awesome lady and I am proud and honored to call her my friend and she is always there to pick me up when I am down or discouraged, she is just so darn smart!! She will be my friend and in my heart forever!! I love you Christie!!! On my list she is: Our Red Thread Journey

2.(Robin): Even though her and her family are Buckeyes and we are Longhorns, I just love this lady!!!! I really got to know her as I followed their blogging journey to China. She has a beautiful family and I admire the heck out of her. She and her husband are also starting all over like we are and they have grandkids too!!! I would just like to thank Robin for always saying such encouraging things to me and for all the prayers for Steven. So many people in the blogging world pray for Steven and all of you will never know how appreciated that is. Robins journey with her new precious Angel encourages me and reminds me that it is going to happen. I love you Robin, thank you so much for becoming my friend. On my list she is : Buckeyes and Eggrolls.

3.(Rachelle): What can I say???? Rachelle is my sister in Christ,my confidant, my laugh partner, my partner in crime, my prayer warrior, but most of all she is my FRIEND, and I love her. Her and Troy have 3 beautiful boys, we all go to the same church, and we are more than all of this, we are FAMILY!!! She gets so on my nerves and she can be such a GUNCH, (HEHEHEHE), but I love her so so much, thank you for always being there for me , well you know on the days that you are not ailing!!!!! hehehe!!!! On my list she is: The Guys and Me.

4.(Kathryn): She is my friend from Staten Island that is what I would call my Soul Sister!!!! She has become so important to me. She does not always do to well with this "wait" thing and I always, always do my best to pick her up because anyone that has a heart like she has needs to be happy all of the time. She is a beautiful woman with a beautiful son and I must say that her husband is just AWESOME!!!, because he loves ELVIS!!!! A man after my own heart!! I love you bunches Kathryn. On my list she is : Journey to Emma Rose.

5.( Rebecca Lynn): This lady first of all has a great middle name, me being Kristy Lynn and all,but she is such an awesome mom, her children are gorgeous and she always has the most amusing things on her blog, but the heart of this lady must be the size of Texas, you can just tell by the way she talks about her family. She is always so sweet and friendly and just what I would call an All American Girl. Love you bunches too Rebecca Lynn. On my list she is : Mother of two , wife of one.

There you have it, out of all of these ladies I only know Rachelle like in real life!!!! My wish is to one day meet all of these ladies in person because my life has been touched by each and every one of them. None of the three waiting mommies and us have the same lid date so that means we won't be traveling together but I pray that these people are always in my life. If I could have, I would have nominated all of my Blogging girls because all of them are so unique and special in their own ways. P.S. AMY IF YOU WOULD EVER START YOUR BLOG, I COULD DO THIS FOR YOU GIRLHEAD!!!!


Ladyornot.com said...

Aww thanks for the nomination! That is so sweet!

Kathryn said...

Hi Kristy, Thank you for the bloggy award, how sweet!!! It's too bad you live so far away, but I am going to Texas sooner than later and we will definitely get to meet.
I want to do a post, but I can't figure out how to get that image on there. How did you do that? (feel really stupid)
You are truly a wonderful person and I really admire your faith and ability to stay positive during this wait. I try but fail miserably. I've got to start getting a better grip on that.
Your words and encouragement have meant a great deal to me!!!! Wouldn't it be great if things picked up and we got to travel together!!!
Love your soul sister,

insanemommy said...

You are so worthy! Congrats..... I love checking in to see what you've been up to..

Pug Mama said...

Thanks for the incredibly sweet words.
Hey, I thought Robin was already awarded - or else I would have TOTALLY gave her one - she is very special person.

Troy & Rachelle said...

Hey thanks for the nomination. I think that is as close to winning something that I have ever been. Well as far as listing mine I don't have any friends remember I pay you to be my friend. ( oh never mind that was Frank I have been paying to keep you around me). Ha! Ha!
Love ya!

Robin said...

Kristy, thank you so much for your kind words! I too think of you as a friend and love coming to your blog. Starting over is truly an adventure and one that you'll never regret. Maddy has brought a lot of joy to our family. I feel 'old' somedays just because I am older but it's worth every ache. :0) I can't wait to follow your journey to China when you bring your sweet girl home. And I too hope to meet you someday... if not on this earth then in our fathers' home.

Our Red Thread Journey said...

Oh Goodness! I need to read my blog (and yours)more often. I have been a bit out of sorts lately because of a particularly challenging student.

Thank you for the honor!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kristy for thinking of me and I don't even have a blog!! I love following your blog and have checked out some of the new friends you've made...they are an inspiration as well!! I know I need to do it...eventually! I love you bigger than the sky GIRLHEAD!!!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Congrats to see you got the award too... hope things are doing well for you... take care