Welcome to our Life..it's a crazy busy one, but that's just us! We have 7 kids, 3 daughter-in-laws, 1 son-in-law and 5 Grandbuttons!!! WITH #6 & & 7 ON THEIR WAY!!!! We came home on July 15, 2010 with our Princess Franceska Danielle, we hope you enjoy our life because we sure do!! God has just BLESSED beyond what we could have ever imagined!!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Al little bit of This and That!!!

First I apologize for not visiting any of your blogs in the last few days. Being SICK SUCKS!!!! Frank , Astrud and I all three have been sick since the weekend. Today I went back to work, and the friend that I am filling in for thru August has been put to bedrest for high blood pressure and she is not due until the end of April.
Second, Steven in landed in TEXAS about 1 1/2 hours ago!!!! THANK GOD, IT IS OFFICIAL HE IS HOME!!

Third, My neice Alyssa made Head Cheerleader for her Senior Year!!!! They live up by Lubbock. We are so proud of you Lyssa and We love you very much!!!! And my nephew, James her brother text me and told me that there was a bomb thread on his college campus in the building he was in. That just scares me to death!! I told him to always be aware of people and his surroundings and to watch out for anyone acting different, he told me that he took it serious and left!!! The things our kids have to worry about these days is so scary.

And fourth, Astrud has asked us if at all possible she could go next summer to play Volleyball in Europe. OK , I am really not ready to let that happen...EVER! She has said that she would raise the money by doing various jobs and such and fundraisers. Her best friend Emily is going to go also. Still....I do not know if I am ready for this. But the more Frank and I talk about it, the more that we think, what an opportunity, right??????? The thought of this makes me want to throw up. So we have decided to pray about it. Well today the director of the Mother's Day out program that I am working at, comes to me and says, hey Kristy do you think Astrud would like a full time "PAYING" job this summer being a floater????? Ok so she took the job , she's excited about it, and she wants to save all the money for Europe!!!! Can any of you give me your opinion on this? I would really like some feedback. Emily's mother would be chaperoning them. It is a very well known organization. And she will be 16 years old when this happens. So any advice would be greatly appreciated. Love and Blessings, thank you all for your prayers for Steven, you will never know what that means to us.

Love, Kristy


Football and Fried Rice said...

Wow! What an amazing opportunity for your daughter! I always wish I had been able to do something like that. Of course NOW I wish it had been Missions- but to see the world...........

Mya said...

I think its a great opportunity for Astrud. I wish I had those oppportunities when I was her age. My niece leaves this Sunday to Austria with her choir group. It's your call, you know whats best.
Glad to hear Steven is home on US soil! My brother left to Afghanistan 2 weeks ago and will be home the end of March. He can't get home soon enough. He works for gov't contractor and really had no say in the matter if he wanted to keep his job or get promoted!

Hope you all are feeling better soon.

OH MY #6 said...

Every opportunity in life that we take makes us a better human being. Good or bad. So I say if it is save she should go.

Glad you are feeling better.


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Wow! What an honor. If it is a group that you are confident with, then I say--trust yourself. You raised her to be a responsible, honest person. Be confident in your parenting.....

Anonymous said...

That is a great opportunity. I know that this is something that y'all have prayed over and he listened by giving her that job. So he is telling you to trust in him and let her go. You know that she will be in good hands. You know that you and Frank have raised her to be a responsible young lady.

Very glad that Steven is home.

Margaret M said...

What a wonderful opportunity!!! What a difficult decision!!! Sorry no help but you are in our prayers!

Robin said...

Sorry you have not been well!

So glad that steven is home!!

Congrats to your neice on making head cheerleader.

And.. WOW. what a great opportunity for Astrud!

Don and Be said...

That girl's going to have to work double time to make up for the deficit with the dollar vs. the Euro - but if she's under adult supervision (and you trust the adult), it sounds like a deal.
Praise God for Steven's safe return! I got all spiritually verklempt when I read that he was home. How wonderful.
Your friends in the Magic Kingdom,
Don & Be

Kathryn said...

I have to think about what I would do with the whole Europe thing, sounds like a nice experience for her, just a little scary as a mom. I don't know what I would do I am way over protective most of the time.
I know that I would have loved that kind of opportunity when I was her age!!!!!
(that didn't help much did it?)

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I am SO happy for you that Steven is home! Praise God!

The Byrd's Nest said...

What a great opportunity for her! I will be praying for you guys and your decision!

P.S. Where is La Vernia? We live in Rockwall, Texas.

Ladyornot.com said...

I am excited for you that he is home! Yipeeeeeeeee

I hope you all feel better soon.

I love your page makeover.