Welcome to our Life..it's a crazy busy one, but that's just us! We have 7 kids, 3 daughter-in-laws, 1 son-in-law and 5 Grandbuttons!!! WITH #6 & & 7 ON THEIR WAY!!!! We came home on July 15, 2010 with our Princess Franceska Danielle, we hope you enjoy our life because we sure do!! God has just BLESSED beyond what we could have ever imagined!!


Thursday, February 28, 2008


OK I can't stand it ANYMORE!!!! My heart and my stomach and everything else left inside is just busting at the seams, jumping up and down!!!! I'm trying not to pee in my pants because I am so excited because YOU KNOW WHO will be on HIS way back to AMERICA on friday night!!!!! Because of the security thing , I can't use YOU KNOW WHO'S name, but in like 10 days or so we will see his face, be able to touch him , smell him and love him from inches away not 1000's of miles away, and all of you mothers must know exactly what I am talking about. I love this PERSON so deeply and cherish the thought of HIM being home on US SOIL!!!!! By Sunday HE should be somewhere in the Good ole USA!!! My insides are doing what that kitty is doing right now at this very moment, I CAN'T STAND IT!!!!!! ALL THE GLORY GOES TO GOD, I will never ever know what I have ever done in my life to deserve all of this grace from him, not once but twice!!!!! OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!!! Thank you , Thank you , Thank you for all of your prayers!!!!!


The Byrd's Nest said...

That is WONDERFUL news!!! Praying for a safe journey back home.

Laura said...

Woohoo!! What wonderful news!!

redmaryjanes said...

Oh honey, I know exactly what you are talking about I am so happy to hear it. I have worried about your special someone too.
You are so strong.

Kathryn said...

That is great news!!!!!!!!!! Your family must be besides themselves with anticipation!!!!!!!!!!!

Patricia said...

WEll, since I just "met" you, I'm not 100% sure what this awesome news is...BUT...let's just say I have read every part of your blog & can take a very good guess! ;)

PRAYERS are going out for a SAFE journey HOME!!

Kelley said...

Awesome!!! I know exactly what you're talking about, too, and I am thrilled to death for you!!! Hooray!!!!!!!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You must be so excited! You got ME excited!!!! That is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful news!!!!

Robin said...

AMEN !! PTL !! Can't wait to welcome your boy back home!! Here's to safe travels back home! and.. incase I haven't said it lately.. tell him Thank You for his service and protection of all of us back here in the states!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Great news!!! Savor this. We'll all be cheering! Praying for the journey to be speedy and safe!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Woooo hooo... it is great that someone is coming home - but can't say anything can we!!!

insanemommy said...

Big hugs to you too!!!! Love the new blog too. How did you make the middle only move? Gorgeous.

Angela said...

I'll be keeping HIM in my thoughts this weekend!

Misty said...

Kristy that is so awesome, I will pray for a safe trip back home. I bet you are glowing with joy!!! I love you so much

Anonymous said...

I know that's one of the best feelings in the world. I'm so relieved. When I got the news that he had to go back for another tour...Rick and I had some deep discussions about that because I had some pretty deep emotions about it that I just couldn't bring myself to share with you at that time. Our prayers have been answered and I can't wait until he's back in TEXAS!!!!